Volunteering with HomeGrown does not require a large time commitment. Just a few hours can make a big difference.
Here are a few ways you can get involved:
Get your hands dirty
Butterfly Garden’s design and maintenance is the work of HomeGrown volunteers. There is always more that could be done in the garden with more willing hands. Weather permitting, we’re gardening every Saturday morning, starting at 10:00 a.m., April through October. If Saturday mornings don’t work for your schedule, contact us: let’s see what we can work out.
Share your skills
Volunteer to help out at garden open days or other events. Or contribute your skills – in carpentry, graphic design, grants writing. We are always looking for new people and new ideas.
Join HomeGrown Parks Volunteers
Membership dues are modest $8 a year. But, really, it’s not about the money: Become a member by donating a couple of hours of your time to our mission of improving and advocating for Butterfly Garden, Mayrose and our other South Slope greenspaces.